Who I’ve Helped
Lawrence Mitchell. CEO, Wellbeing at Work APAC.
“As an organisation named 'Wellbeing at Work', it's crucial that we embody our brand and do everything we can to support our people to stay above the line of resilience.
As part of this mission, it was an absolute pleasure to welcome Thomas to our organisation. He shared what he calls a ‘Buffet of Breathing Techniques’ that can aid our teams in recognising the potency of breath to manage their mood and state of mind at any given moment.
It was great!
Thomas possesses an effortlessly engaging style that connected well with our global team spread across multiple time zones.
For any leaders or managers seeking to support their people to go to the next level, then giving them access to the practical support tools that Thomas offers is likely to pay back a significant ‘Return on Investment’ over time.
Thank you, Thomas!”
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